Charles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings

Charles Lampkin (1913–1989) was an American actor, musician and lecturer. Charles Lampkin was born on March 17, 1913 in Ward 4 of Montgomery, Alabama. He was the third son of Edgar Lampkin and Sarah Bidell. His paternal lineage is traced to British slave-owners and his maternal ancestors were Africans enslaved in the British colonies of Virginia and Georgia before the American Revolution of 1776. His great-grandmother Ann Lampkin, an emancipated slave, was one of the first people to befriend a twenty-five-year-old Booker T. Washington when he arrived in Alabama in 1881. She secured land and along with her church sisters raised funds for the Tuskegee Institute. Edgar Lampkin moved his family from Montgomery to Cleveland in the 1920s, part of the Great Migration.

Charles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings Charles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings educateCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings yourselfCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings onCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings theCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings areasCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings ofCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings candleCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings makingCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings byCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings exploringCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings variousCharles Lampkin photos, profile, current, news, celebrity, election, facts, siblings

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